SHR Ice Laser Hair Removal



  • Fast
  • Pain-free & effective
  •  Anti-ageing
  •  Removes unwanted hair
  • Removes ingrown hair
  •  Improves pigmentation

How does SHR Ice Laser work?

Engaging Laser and IPL technologies, SHR which stands for  (Super Hair Removal)  is the latest method to reduce unwanted hair. 

SHR is a fast, safe, pain-free and effective hair removal treatment. SHR delivers low energy light via fast “pulses”  which travel via cool tip to gently burn the hair root thus preventing the re-growth. This is also a reason why we call it ICE LASER.


Does SHR Ice Laser hurt?

To compare with well know techniques Laser and IPL, which use high energy levels that make most of the people feel discomfort or even pain during the treatment, an SHR Ice Laser feels cool on the skin and even most vulnerable clients find it to be almost relaxing treatment. SHR does warm the skin eventually but it feels as a gentle and warm touch on the skin. Ice cold applicator makes even most sensitive areas less painful to treat. 

Who is it suitable for?

Both woman and men can choose to go for SHR Ice Laser. We have worked with this system for few years and based on our experience we found that it is the most effective on skin types 2-5 however all skin types 1-6 can be treated and sometimes show brilliant results. Each person can get individual results and cannot be compared to others. The SHR Ice Laser can treat both light and dark skin and even tanned one however fake tan and sunbeds must be avoided.

How long does the treatment take?

SHR Ice Laser provides fast and pain-free treatments. We allow 30 minutes appointments for small, medium and large areas and 45-60 minutes for larger body areas. Full body treatment can take up to 2 hours or even 2 hours and 30 minutes if it is full body top-to-toe treatment. The therapist moves applicator gently side to side and covers every single inch of the treated body area.

How many treatments will I need?

Each session of SHR Ice Laser removes approximately  20% of the active growth hair on the chosen body area. For best results we recommend 6 to 10 sessions however results vary and for some clients only 6 sessions can be needed whilst somebody else might need to do 12 sessions or more. Results may vary on different body areas and also hormones play very important role in hair growth. These are individual issues and you can discuss them with our highly trained therapists during the consultation. To achieve success on average 8 sessions should be done with 4 to 6 weeks between the sessions. Top up sessions should be done once or twice a year to help your body stay hair free. 

How to prepare for the treatment?

Facial hair should be trimmed on the day of the treatment. Please don’t shave your face as it may cause advert results. We recommend our clients to purchase our facial trimmer HERE and use it at home before attending the session. Avoid make-up on the day.

You can shave other body areas the night before the treatment. Avoid deodorants, body creams on the day. Sunbeds and sunbathing MUST NOT be done during the whole course of sessions. Waxing, threading or any other ”hair pulling technique” should be avoided at least 4 weeks prior the first session.  Chemical depilatory hair removal creams SHOULD NOT be used during the course of SHR Ice laser hair removal sessions to avoid the pigmentation.

SHR Ice Laser Prices - Small Body Areas
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SHR ICE LASER PRICES - Medium Body Areas
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SHR ICE LASER PRICES - Larger Body Areas
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SHR ICE LASER PRICES - Extra Large Body Areas
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